Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Magnetic Susceptability :: essays research papers

Attractive Susceptability Dynamic:      The change in weight prompted by an attractive field for three arrangements of edifices was recorded. The adjustment in weight of an aligning arrangement of 29.97% (W/W) of NiCl2 was recorded to compute the mechanical assembly steady as 5.7538. cv also, cm for every arrangement was resolved so as to figure the quantity of unpaired electrons for each paramagnetic complex. Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2â‚ ¬6(H20) had 4 unpaired electrons, KMnO4 had zero unpaired electrons, and K3[Fe(CN)6] had 1 unpaired electron. The clear 1 unpaired electron in K3[Fe(CN)6] when there ought to be five as per nuclear orbital counts emerges from a solid ligand field created by CN-. Presentation:      The attractive weakness is a wonders that emerges when an attractive second is instigated in an article. This attractive second is prompted by the nearness of an outer attractive field. This prompted attractive second means a change in the heaviness of the article when set within the sight of an outer attractive field. This prompted second may have two directions: corresponding to the outer attractive field of or opposite to the outside attractive field. The previous is known as paramagnetism and the later is known as diamagnetism. The physical impact of paramagnetism is an appreciation for the wellspring of attraction (increment in weight when estimated by a Guoy balance) and the physical impact of diamagnetism is a shock from the wellspring of attractive field (decline in weight when estimated by a Guoy balance).      The watched attractive second is inferred by the adjustment in weight. This watched attractive second emerges from a mix of the orbital and turn snapshots of the electrons in the example with the turn segment being the most significant wellspring of the attractive second. This attractive second is brought about by the turning of an electron around a hub acting like a little magnet. This turning of the  ³magnetâ ² brings about the attractive second.      Paramagnetism results from the perpetual attractive snapshot of the iota. These perpetual attractive minutes emerge from the nearness of unpaired electrons. These unpaired electrons bring about inconsistent number of electrons in the two conceivable turn states (+1/2. - 1/2). When without an outside attractive field, these twists will in general arrange themselves arbitrarily as needs be to insights. At the point when they are set within the sight of an outside attractive field, the occasions will in general adjust in headings hostile to resemble and resemble to the attractive field. As indicated by insights, more electrons will possess the lower vitality state at that point the higher vitality state. Within the sight of an attractive field, the lower vitality state is the state when the attractive minutes are adjusted corresponding to the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

David Leonhardt Response free essay sample

In late conversations of â€Å"The College Dropout Boom,† David Leonhardt made some fascinating focuses on crafted by society and it’s cutting edge sees on training. A significant number of the thoughts he introduced were disputable to me, considering my past point of view of social status’ having nothing to do with someone’s chances at graduating school. In any case, there are numerous thoughts wherein he gave that I concur, for example, the conviction that getting a professional education doesn’t essentially guarantee a well-paying employment. Experiencing childhood in a family unit where no one has ever earned a higher education, I can say by and by that it is critical to have one, paying little heed to the quick result. It’s preferred to be sheltered over grieved. One of the most fascinating focuses made by Leonhardt was the conviction that someone’s monetary class can incredibly affect their choice on whether to go to school. We will compose a custom article test on David Leonhardt Response or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This is questionable to me, in light of the fact that alongside money related guide capacities, there are numerous choices accessible to understudies who are attempting to bear the cost of educational cost and different costs. Regardless of whether it takes longer than planned to procure the degree, I trust it is something critical to do. As per Leonhardt, just 41 percent of low salary understudies at present entering a multi year school figure out how to graduate inside five years. This is entirely reasonable, with the measure of work relegated and the provisional timetables given in school courses today, there’s a great deal of weight on the understudies and this makes many take a crack at less classes one after another. Likewise, most of understudies tried out advanced school will likewise work a side activity while joining in. Among working and going to class, it turns out to be extremely hard for most to succeed. Another fascinating angle that Leonhardt introduced was the means by which the odds of monetary portability in America have declined in the course of recent decades. The â€Å"American Dream† has started to stop to exist. This contributes enormously to the measure of school dropouts in cutting edge society, since school is chiefly seen by most as an entryway to winning the profession that will move you up in the economy. Since individuals are discovering that they are not really guaranteed work, many are rethinking their way throughout everyday life. As I would like to think, with the measure of cash spent on educational cost, supplies, and other school costs, for some it is for all intents and purposes difficult to get away from the future obligation that’s made. In any case, I feel that having a professional education is still critical in light of the fact that without it, the alternatives accessible to you in life are constrained. You probably won't have the option to become what you truly need to, or even endeavor to seek after your fantasies. Most residents without an advanced education wind up getting caught in an impasse work for a mind-blowing remainder, attempting to endure. Despite what might be expected, for certain individuals cash isn't the most significant item throughout everyday life, and many would prefer to be cheerful where they are, than out pursuing dreams. For instance, Andy Blevins, referenced in the article, settled on the choice at an opportune time to drop out of school and keep working his activity in a Virginian grocery store to help the raising of his family. At that point, he was flawlessly content with carrying on with a peaceful life and bringing up his youngsters modestly. Professional education or not, this is the sort of life numerous Americans would strive for. I imagine that on the off chance that someone finds what fulfills them throughout everyday life, that’s the only thing that is important. There’s no compelling reason to endeavor and make a solid effort to succeed and get rich if you’re cheerful where you are. Be that as it may, even Mr. Blevins inevitably went to the acknowledgment that not having an advanced education leaves him with not very many choices throughout everyday life. In the event that he were ever terminated or laid-off from his activity, for instance, he would have no understanding or accreditations accessible to scan for another one. This is the sort of circumstance, as I would like to think, that most Americans should attempt to maintain a strategic distance from. In synopsis, there are numerous prospects and reasons with regards to why understudies would drop out of school in today’s society, and furthermore numerous pugnacious focuses concerning why a professional education is so significant. I feel that the two sides of the contention have admirable sentiments, in any case, it is increasingly critical to acquire a higher education on the off chance that you plan on prevailing throughout everyday life. Between conversations about the diminishing measure of monetary versatility, the differentials among high and low-pay understudies, and the yearnings of a current American resident, Leonhardt raised some intriguing points of view on school training with regards to our age. Works Cited Leonhardt, David. School Dropout Boom. New York Times. David Leonhardt, 24 May 2005.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Swag I mean, Career Fair

Swag I mean, Career Fair What I acquired from the MIT Career fair last Thursday: 29 pens 21 mechanical pencils (16 mechanical, 5 wood) More than 10 flash drives 21 t-shirts 2 cell phone cleaning pads 15 LED flashlights 6 Rubik’s cubes 4 decks of cards 1 poker set, with 4 colors of chips Computer mouse with retractable cord, which doesn’t seem to work Headphones with retractable cord, which I haven’t tested 8 tote bags 11 sharpies (7 mini and colorful, 4 retractable) Hand sanitizer Laundry detergent 3 rubber ducks More candy than a mildly aggressive trick-or-treater usually bags Countless other pins, stickers, foam footballs, ping pong balls, yoyos, bottle openers, sunglasses, cozies And my personal favorite, a wind-up boogie robot I just recently sorted, organized, and inventoried all of this swag, which had formerly been occupying nearly 70% of the floor space in my room. It’s now in cups on the desk, hanging from a carabiner on a nail, displayed on the ledge around my room, hidden in a desk drawer, or (in most cases) shoved into a bag which was subsequently shoved under the bed. I can see the floor of my room, for the first time in days! What I did not acquire at the MIT Career fair: A job. Yes, usually the point of a career fair is to collect job prospects, not swag. In the conventional sense, my priorities were screwed up. However, to continue with the list-y theme of this post, there are three reasons I used the career fair for the bags upon bags of swag: Conventional wisdom from upperclassmen indicated that for freshmen, there’s not much point other than swag, unless you want a summer internship. Even then, apparently companies are more interested in sophomores or juniors. I do not have a resume. The last time I took a look at everything I’ve done and organized it into a form I could show to other people, it was for college applications. I don’t think the things that convinced the MIT admissions office I was MIT material are the same things that will convince a company like Microsoft or Google that I am summer-internship material. I already have 3 jobs! What do I want with a fourth one? (For the curious: my first job, as I’ve said, is teaching SATPrep. I also work as a math class assistant/grader for www.artofproblemsolving.com. I’m doing the third job right now: blogging for MIT admissions!) Even though I didn’t get, or even attempt to get, a job, I learned a lot at the career fair. Many of the companies were either software-development firms, who wanted course 6 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) or 18-C (Math with Computer Science) majors. There were also a lot of trading firms. I was really surprised when I saw a booth for Pixar there. I’ve always known Pixar as a fantastic company that produces such wonders as Finding Nemo and Toy Story, but it had never occurred to me that it’s run by real people! People who may have gone to MIT and gotten a job at the career fair! Also in attendance on the employers’ side was the CIA. Like several of the companies, the CIA had its own information session later in the evening. Some people from my hall couldn’t resist, and went appropriately dressed: Shades? Check. Trench coat? Check. Pink hair? You bet!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Sociological Knowledge in Nursing Essays - 1301 Words

Sociology is the study of human social behavior, communities and society. It involves the evolution of society and human behavior and it focuses on how society can change human behavior based on interaction with each other (Bennett, B., 2009 p.2). Nursing is a health care profession which concentrates in supporting individuals, their families, and societies as a whole in preserving, attaining and improving best possible health and functioning (Kozier, et al., 2010 pp. 8-9). Sociological knowledge plays a dynamic and elementary role within nursing profession. Besides medical knowledge a nurse needs to be socially aware of a client’s social values. In today’s society, nursing goes further than focusing on health related problems to†¦show more content†¦In relations to the Interactionist theory, nurses are always interacting with clients who are sick and are recovering from sickness. Nurses play an active role in development, performance, and assessment of clientà ¢â‚¬â„¢s health. They use nursing process which is described as a problem-solving structure for planning and providing care to patients and their families (Kozier, et al., 2010 p. 413). The interactions between nurses and clients help nurses in assessing the clients’ needs and problems and further helps nurses to formulate a plan for clients’ well being. They are able to set out realistic and achievable targets to remove or reduce problems as the interactions help them in better understanding the client’s needs. Additionally, they utilize intervention methods that are based on studies in order to enhance complete care (Kozier, et al., 2010 p.200). Studying sociology allows nurses to learn more about the cultural influences and backgrounds of patients thereby enabling them to present a more holistic approach to their care planning. Above example of Interactionist theory help nurses understand how some people exaggerate even the mild symptoms while some people ta ke light of even severe symptoms by daily observations and communications. Furthermore, nurses can share their own attitude with patients in such conditions to create trusting and empathetic relationship. Therefore, Sociological knowledge plays a major role in shaping theShow MoreRelatedSoc the Rise of Nurse Practitioners667 Words   |  3 Pagesnurse practitioners Using a sociological perspective, write a paper which explains what health sociology can contribute to an understanding of your selected issue. The paper must use the following headings: Issue Description Provide a minimum 200-word detailed description of the health issue you have chosen. Theoretical Perspective Provide a minimum 500-word sociological analysis of the issue you have chosen. Use your textbook as well as other sociological sources (e.g., textbooks, journalRead MoreThe Psychology Of Mental Illness1177 Words   |  5 Pageshealth care professional. During my past clinical experience as a nursing student at the Alberta Hospital Edmonton, I was immersed in an environment filled with individuals who were acutely mentally ill, and two of these individuals were my patients. While â€Å"The Sociology of Mental Illness† is an excellent source of information about mental illness in the context of sociology, based on my experience at Alberta Hospital and on the nursing theory that I have learned, I disagree with the fact that WeitzRead MoreVirginia Henderson’s Concepts of Nursing and its Application to Practice1420 Words   |  6 Pagesthis paper is to illustrate the key points of Virginia Henderson’s theory â€Å"Concepts of Nursing† (CON) and its application in practice using specific examples. Henderson’s CON is a grand theory written in 1978. (Waller-Wise, 2013) The CON theory provides a definition of nursing care, responsibilities and a focus on specific areas where nursing care is required. (Waller-Wise, 2013) As Henderson (1978) writes, â€Å"Nursing is primarily helping people (sick or well) in the performance of those activities contributingRead MoreNursing Concepts of Virginia Henderson1298 Words   |  6 PagesRunning Head: VIRGINIA AVENEL HENDERSON Nursing Concepts of Virginia Avenel Henderson Barbara Sullivan Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for NSG 316: Introduction to Professional Nursing Practice University of Southern Mississippi Fall Mini-Session, 2009 Abstract This paper provides a biographical look at the life and work of Virginia Avenel Henderson. Her definition of nursing focused on the function of nursing as assisting the individual, sick or well,Read MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1657 Words   |  7 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline Nursing has evolved greatly as a profession. Nursing has become an independent practice with its own theory practice, models and distinct interventions (George, 2011). Through the years, nursing leaders have developed many nursing theories that guide our practice today. Their research and contributions to the nursing profession has shaped our present-day practices. This paper will delineate the historic development of nursing science, focusing on the mostRead MoreDorothy Smith s Approach Challenges Sociological Theory949 Words   |  4 Pages Dorothy Smith’s approach challenges Sociological Theory and the way it has been constructed. She offered a framework to close the gap between the objective knowledge and the personal experiences that people encounters in everyday life. Most importantly, Smith challenges one of the most traditional sociological discourses of male dominance through the use of concepts, theologies, and textual concepts that confines human behavior. Her framework known as institutional ethnography constitutes thatRead MoreCore Concept Across Nursing Theories Essay1488 Words   |  6 PagesCore Concept across Nursing Theories Nursing is a practice or field that must be based on nursing theories, which contributes to the consideration of nursing discipline as a profession. The significance of nursing theories in the practice is attributed to their provision of direction and guidance for arranging professional nursing education, research, and practice. Nursing theories also distinguishes the focus of this discipline from other professions since they provide directions regarding evaluationRead MoreChemically Impaired Nurses1052 Words   |  5 PagesChemically- Impaired Nurses Jaime Littles Christina Mazzeo Sociology 101 Research Paper When deciding to enter the stressful and demanding field of nursing, I asked myself how will I physically, mentally, and emotionally deal with the demands of the profession? It takes a lot of long hours, knowledge of procedures and practices, and devotion to patients and their families. So how do nurses deal with the demands of their job? It has surprised me that in researching the professionRead MoreWhy Nurses Should Study Sociology4078 Words   |  17 Pagessociology in nursing and sociology of nursing The value of developing sociological skills Using sociological skills in nursing practice Sociological knowledge: policy, practice and change By the end of this chapter you should be able to . . . discuss the reasons why nurses should study sociology; understand the distinction between sociology of nursing and sociology in nursing; understand the value of sociological skills; discuss the role of sociological knowledge and the future of nursing practice.Read MoreNursing Theorists1685 Words   |  7 PagesNursing Theorists 1. Florence Nightingale - Environment theory 2. Hildegard Peplau - Interpersonal theory 3. Virginia Henderson - Need Theory 4. Fay Abdella - Twenty One Nursing Problems 5. Ida Jean Orlando - Nursing Process theory 6. Dorothy Johnson - System model 7. Martha Rogers -Unitary Human beings 8. Dorothea Orem - Self-care theory 9. Imogene King - Goal Attainment theory 10. Betty Neuman - System model 11. Sister Calista Roy - Adaptation

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Lottery Essay - 617 Words

Over the years many critics have wrote articles on Shirley Jacksons numerous works. Many critics had much to say about Jacksons most famous short story, quot;The Lotteryquot;. Her insights and observations about man and society are disturbing; and in the case of quot;The Lottery,quot; they are shocking. quot;The themes themselves are not new, evil cloaked in seeming good, prejudice and hypocrisy, loneliness and frustration, psychological studies of minds that have slipped the bonds of realityquot; (Friedman). Literary critic, Elizabeth Janeway wrote that, quot; The Lottery makes its effect without having to state a moral about humanitys need to deflect the knowledge of its own death on a victim. That uneasy consciousness is†¦show more content†¦Bobby Martin ducked under his mothers grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones. His father spoke up sharply, and Bobby came quickly and took his place between his father and his eldest brotherquot;(Lottery). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Jackson gives very plain, solid-sounding names to her characters Adams, Warner, Dunbar, Martin, Hutchinson, etc. quot;The name Mr. Summers is particularly suitable for sunny, jovial Joe Summers it emphasizes the surface tone of the piece and underscores the ultimate irony. Mr. Graves the postmaster and the assistant to Mr. Summers in the administration of the lottery has a name that might well signify the tragic undercurrent, which does not become meaningful until the end of the storyquot; (Friedman). Oehlschlaeger explains his meaning behind the name Hutchinson. quot;The name of Jacksons victim links her to Anne Hutchinson, whose Antinomian beliefs, found to be heretical by the Puritan hierarchy, resulted in her banishment from Massachusetts in 1638. While Tessie Hutchinson is no spiritual rebel, to be sure, Jacksons allusion to Anne Hutchinson reinforces her suggestions of a rebellion lurking within the women of her imaginary villagequot;(261) Helen E. Neb eker explains that why traditions of men in quot;The Lotteryquot; must be examined more closely nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quot;Until enough men areShow MoreRelatedThe Lottery1112 Words   |  5 PagesPAPER INTERDICIPLINARY LITERATURE â€Å"THE LOTTERY† [pic] Compiled by : Nida Agniya Septiara (F1F010038) Laeli Fadilah (F1F010052) Lisa Ayu Christiana Putri (F1F010022) Yunita Marangin Lumbantoruan (F1F010084) JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN UNIVERSITY SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE FACULTY HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT ENGLISH LITERATURE 2013 INTRODUCTION Read More The Lottery Essay811 Words   |  4 Pagesword lottery, you probably think of winning a large sum of money before being stoned to death. quot; The Lotteryquot; by Shirley Jackson brings this horrible idea to life. While the overall mood of the story depicts a typical day in a small rural town, through great use of imagery and irony, one is set up for an unusual ending. Shirley Jackson uses the element of surprise. The way of the story ends is unlike anyone could predict. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The main object of The Lottery is theRead MoreSummary of The Lottery872 Words   |  4 PagesThe short story that this paper will look at is The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. It was first published in The New Yorker on 26 June 1948. It is one of the most famous short stories in the history of United States literature history. This paper is a summary of the story from my point of view. The Lottery is a work of fiction that demonstrates rebellion and conformity while insinuating that a lottery is part of a ritualistic ceremony. The author was born in 1919. She struggled with depression throughoutRead MoreThe Lottery Essay938 Words   |  4 Pagesthe lottery, but not its exact purpose. Do the townspeople know? Is this omission significant? Intentional? No, the townspeople do not know the lottery’s exact purpose. This omission is not significant because it seems there is no point in the lottery and why these people are operating such horrid acts. It is more intentional; the townspeople are playing it safe thinking they are keeping a tradition, yet no one seems brave enough to ask why? 3. Why is much of the history of the lottery andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Lottery 1036 Words   |  5 PagesSince reading The Lottery by Shirely Jackson, I’ve been thinking more about culture, traditions, and perspective. Not just that, but how it can sometimes take adopting an unbiased, non judgmental, or outside perspective in order to see things for what they really are. The way that the narrator in this story adopts such a position allows for a clearer view of the events of the story. In The Lottery, the narrator speaks to us in a non participant and objective manner. We hear and see events unfoldRead MoreLottery Is Good or Not1635 Words   |  7 PagesIs lottery a good idea? These days, a lot of people play lottery and spend a certain amount of money on it while few of them earn back what they spend. Someone says lottery is a kind of tax collected by the government on peoples’ luck and desire to be rich. In another aspect, lottery is also gambling, and it could make people to be a millionaire in a night if the person is lucky enough, however, it has a negative effect that it causes inequality, crimes and so on. So lottery is not a positive ideaRead MoreThe Day Of The Lottery1397 Words   |  6 Pagesin a small town are gathering on a warm, beautiful summer day in the square for the lottery. The children, who have just finished school, are playing while waiting on their parents to meet them in the square and are gathering up rocks into a pile off to the side. Everyone enters the square and the parents call their children over to stand with the family. Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves, the men who conduct the lottery, arrive in the square with the black box. The box is falling apart and Mr. SummersRead More The Lottery Essay946 Words   |  4 Pages The Message Sent in â€Å"The Lottery† nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The shock value of Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† is not only widely known, but also widely felt. Her writing style effectively allows the reader to pass a judgment on themselves and the society in which they live. In â€Å"The Lottery† Jackson is making a comparison to human nature. It is prominent in all human civilizations to take a chance as a source of entertainment and as this chance is taken, something is both won and lost. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;AsRead MoreThe Lottery. The Lottery Has Three Adaptations And Those1428 Words   |  6 PagesThe Lottery The Lottery has three adaptations and those would include the Novel, Film, and Graphic Novel. Out of all three each have a somewhat similar setting and character build but also have a little tweak to each one. Now of course when first reading it I thought the setting was more in the old days but soon I found out it was done in a modern time. Each character has a specific role and they do share a story but out of all the adaptations the graphic novel describes them the best. Of courseRead MoreSymbolism in the Lottery1391 Words   |  6 PagesShirley Jackson#8217;s, #8220;The Lottery#8221;, clearly expresses her feelings concerning traditional rituals through her story. It opens the eyes of readers to properly classify and question some of today#8217;s traditions as cruel, and allows room to foretell the outcome of these unusual traditions. #8220;The Lottery#8221; is a short story that records the annual sacrifice ceremony of a fictional small town. It is a detailed narrative of th e selection of the person to be sacrificed, a

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects of Junk Food on Health Free Essays

The Effects of Junk Food on Health Junk foods are deemed to be trash foods as they are high in fat, sodium  and sugar. The apparent effect of junk food can lead to obesity and a range of attendant health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. Majority of junk food choices do not deliver beneficial nutritional values. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Junk Food on Health or any similar topic only for you Order Now Here are the facts about  how excessive junk food consumption affects your body. First of all, junk food doesn’t contain the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. As a result, you may feel chronically fatigued and lack the energy you need to complete daily tasks. The high levels of sugar in junk food puts your metabolism under stress; when you eat refined sugar, your pancreas secretes high amounts of insulin to prevent a dangerous spike in blood sugar levels. Also, you can be less focused with anything you undertake at work and home because what you are acquiring from junk foods are mere fats, not healthy ingredients. Also, you will experience lack of important oxygen that eventually result to poor brain functioning. In fact, junk food will cause our body lacking of energy and less concentration and focus when doing work. Next, junk food contributes obesity. Junk food contains large amounts of fat, and as fat accumulates in your body, you’ll gain weight and could become obese. The more weight you gain, the more you’ll be at risk for serious chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. The high levels of fat and sodium in junk food can cause high blood pressure or hypertension. You’ll feel tired and have trouble concentrating because your body might not be getting enough oxygen. Hence, fat will lead to weight gain and obese sickness, furthermore, high risk in suffering critical illness such as heart disease. Moreover, junk food can lead to diabetes. This happens because eating too much sugar puts your metabolism under stress, your body has to pump up insulin production to prevent a dangerous spike in blood sugar levels. Because junk food doesn’t contain the protein or complex carbohydrates that your body needs to maintain consistent blood sugar levels, your blood sugar levels will drop suddenly soon after eating. You’ll crave sugar and likely end up eating more junk food. Over time, this stress damages your body’s ability to use the insulin secreted by your pancrease. A healthy diet can help maintain your body’s insulin sensitivity. As can be seen, over amount of sugar will cause pancrease problem and diabetes which will affect the ability of controlling sugar level. In conclusion, junk food caused diabetes, obesity and lack of nutrients for a healthy body. We must be disciplined in indulging in these types of food because they are initially unhealthy to have. Too much of anything sweet or salty is health threatening, to prevent it, we can pick fruits and high-fiber food for good snacks and meals. How to cite The Effects of Junk Food on Health, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sankofa free essay sample

Sank is an Akin (Ghanaian) word meaning one must return to the past in order to move forward. Written and directed by Ethiopians-born filmmaker and Howard University professor Hailed Grimm, Sank is the story of the spirituality journey of Mona, a self-possessed African American woman who faces an identity crisis. From the African continent through the Middle Passage and the Americas, Mona relives her past and is transformed.A seductive model in the United States, Mona is posing near a former leveraging fortress in West Africa for a photo shoot. Far from the exotic setting her photographer hoped for, Mona is possessed by lingering spirits and is transfixed by a self-appointed cultural guardian and grist (storyteller) who wont let her forget her past. In a flashback, Mona is taken into slavery. She lives out her life as Shoal, a house servant on a Southern plantation.There she meets Nun, an African- born matriarch and field hand, and Shannon, a field servant brought from Jamaica who becomes her lover. We will write a custom essay sample on Sankofa or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As witnesses to the brutality of rape, floggings, and lynchings, Nun and Shannon continuously and creatively rebel against the slave system. For Nun, this act of rebellion means direct confrontation with her flesh-and-blood and classic tragic mulatto son born of rape whose identity confusion is reinforced by his dedication to Roman Catholicism.Inspired by Nun and Shanias determination, Shoal ultimately sakes her life into her own hands. This film is about the still present legacy of slavery, told from the perspective of its victims. Filmed in West Africa, Jamaica, and Louisiana, it offers a rich view of the spirituality baggage of the slave past. While the story will be an eye-opener for some, it speaks powerfully of the complexities of the slave legacy and invites viewers into the hearts, minds, and souls of a people whose lives were not their own.