Sunday, February 16, 2020

Tampa Urban Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tampa Urban Development - Essay Example In the United States, the evolution of urban regions has been dramatic. Numerous situations have congregated over a number of years in the US, and in present days almost 80% of the countries’ residents live in metropolitan regions that occupy below 20% of land area. The amount of urbanized land inside these metropolitan regions is much less. The urban population development started gradually, enhanced in the 19th Century, and after that the development sustained gradually during the following hundred years. The methods and causes for urbanizations have transformed significantly over time. Urban Development in America American metropolises have developed progressively but remained comparatively small in geographic region and population. Major urban developments are situated beside ‘transportation access points’ at docks, navigable tidal, important national rivers, seaways, and great lakes. During the civil war the form of urban development had started to change. Th e capitals have become the hearts of industry for accessing domestic and national natural resources. Trains are one of the leading transportation mediums in the country which is the most inexpensive way to carry materials for construction. After the World War II, suburbanization gained importance in older capitals. Numerous aspects have promoted the spread of suburbanization. The improvement of highway system lets individuals to travel for their occupations in the metropolises from outside civic limitations. This tendency has started in the period of 1920s and enhanced significantly after 1940s. Several multilane highways had developed which contributed to further suburbanization. The suburbanization offers a way of linking small towns with metropolitan lifestyle (Auch & Et. Al., â€Å"Urban Growth in American Cities†). Geographical Analysis of Tampa Development Tampa is situated in the harbor of west and middle Florida with an area of 1030 square kilometers. It is regarded a s one of the biggest open water bays in the southeastern side of America (Xian & Crane, â€Å"Assessments Of Urban Growth In The Tampa Bay Watershed Using Remote Sensing Data†). The width of water bays is almost 400 square miles and the size of drainage area is almost six times more. Tampa is affected by rapid development of human population and it is the second major metropolitan region in the US with almost 2.3 million people. It is anticipated that the population of metropolitan region will rise by approximately 20% by the year 2015. In the period of 1950s, the urban development of Tampa resulted in substantial corrosion in the water quality, environment and natural resources. Urban developments have transformed approximately 50% of Tampa’s original coastline. About 40% of Tampa’s sea-grass has been wiped out because of urbanization (Olsen & Ricci, â€Å"Introduction†). Urban Development of Tampa Development and urban extension have become a major conc ern for America. Throughout past 100 years, several towns have developed from small remote inhabitants to huge organized urban economical geographies. According to survey of ‘US Census Bureau’, almost 79% of American people live in urban areas. One of the major urban development’s of the US is Tampa which is situated in Florida. Tampa has been experiencing improvement since 1800. Several housing spaces were established in ‘

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Marketing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Marketing - Article Example esearch works carried out on the test subjects exposed them to unscented environment (control) versus a scented environment to conclude on the effect of scent on the purchasing behaviour of the consumer. After extensive research, the conclusion drawn was that a scented environment exclusively influences the purchasing behaviour of consumers positively. The differentiation of a product from its competitors is possible through branding which gives the product a personality. Individuals are therefore able to identify the product on personality basis. Research carried out wanted to prove the influence of a brand image on the willingness of the consumer to purchase the product. The difference in brand personalities does not make the consumer perceive a product superior or inferior but the image of the brand is that which affects the consumer behaviour of the product. The test subjects of the research belonging to the same group showed similar attributes in their characters. The researchers urged the managers and marketers of products to rely on their findings so that the consumer behaviours’ are influenced positively during advertisements. In doing so, the producers will have captured the desired target group (consumers) effortlessly. The overexposure of an advertisement not only causes an organization financial stress but also causes a wear out effect on the viewers. The wear in effect on the other hand happens when the viewer cannot consciously recall an advertisement. Overexposure of an advertisement reduces its effectiveness therefore causing a wear out effect subsequently happens. The variation of an advertisement is of importance to the producer or retailer of a product because it emphasizes on the various ways in which the consumer recalls the product. Test subjects exposed to various products for the experiment on brand recognition, brand liking and advert recognition resulted to the following; higher brand recognition when the frequency of advertisement